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Committed to Sustainability

At Diamond T Services, our environmental goal is to reduce our footprint and impact on the environment as much as best practices will allow. From reducing the weight on loads with SiteSeal™ mats and providing environmentally conscious location containment services, we focus on protecting the environment as much as possible while reducing costs and meeting the clients’ goals.

We work closely with state and federal environmental agencies to set industry standards on environmental policies. We strive to help our customers minimize risk and downsize their footprint by using innovative products that focus on maximizing efficiency and increasing job satisfaction.

Case Study

Diamond T Services was engaged by an operator to reduce its footprint from having to truck material to mud plants for cleaning. We relied on our industry experience and knowledge to address this challenge.

Our solution was to create mobile mud plants and run pipeline to all of the sites so that nothing would need to be trucked. Instead, the material was forced to the mud plant by a pump. It came in, was cleaned, and went back out to the next site.

The customer was pleased with a solution that enabled them to continue with the job while removing the environmental impact of diesel trucks on the air and the impact on the gravel roads.

Call us today to find out how to improve your environmental footprint

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