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Why Is Vegetation Management Important?

image of a power line

The power system in the United States is accessible and affordable, but it takes a lot of effort to keep it up and running. With thousands of miles of high voltage electric transmission lines running through the country, it is essential to maintain them properly. Critical electrical power infrastructures which include transmission lines, relay facilities, pipes, fences, gates, bridges, and access roads, cover the United States. Having easy and safe access is essential. However, it is bigger than just us and the environment, it is about saving all species that live in these environments as well. Vegetation management helps to ensure that and Diamond T is proud to offer this service. 

Why is Vegetation Management Important?

  • Control
  • Cost
  • Public health
  • Environmental quality
  • Regulatory compliance

Vegetation management can improve transmission reliability, reduce vegetation management costs, reduce customer costs, improve native plant and songbird habitat, as well as other ecological benefits such as reduced runoff, control of invasive species, and creating wildlife habitat.

Economic Benefits

Vegetation management is a big part of many company’s operations. The maintenance costs can be huge. Therefore, by establishing low-growing vegetation, you can remove faster, taller growing vegetation. In this case, utility companies spend less money maintaining and reducing the need to focus on chemicals and mowing. 

It can also help to reduce the economic impacts associated with poorly managed vegetation. Power outages and other power disturbances cost the U.S. economy nearly $120 billion every year. This is mainly due to power outages triggered by overgrown vegetation. Utility companies can be fined $1 million per day for each outage, therefore, implementing a vegetation management program can help save companies money.

Environmental Benefits

Depending on their landholdings, companies may also need to work around the following:

  • Lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams
  • Wetlands
  • Agricultural areas
  • Wildlife and plant habitat

Poorly managed vegetation can have negative impacts on these features. Whether that is wildfires, soil erosion, or water quality issues. These not only affect humans but also wildlife habitats. Wildlife habitats in the United States are constantly lost because of development. By taking the right approach you can help to create natural, diverse, and sustaining ecosystems. This helps to reduce wildlife habitat fragmentation and allow species to be geographically diverse.

Getting Started

Both utility companies and land managers need to reach goals, but they can do so in a better way. Vegetation management is how you get there. It can help everyone achieve their goals. With open communication, and a good plan, and a positive outlook for the future, you will see the resulting benefits of these programs.To learn more about vegetation management, contact us today!

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