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What Is A Dewatering Centrifuge?

In order to thoroughly remove wastewater from sludge, a dewatering centrifuge method needs to be used. This method is commonly utilized in construction or industrial projects, but can be used for residential ones, as well. Dewatering essentially separates the moisture from sludge, thickening it into a cake for easy disposal. 

Learn more about this centrifuge process and how it can benefit your project below. 

How it operates

Centrifugation occurs during a high-velocity rotation of sludge within a circular device. During the spin, the material is expanded outwards towards the sides of the moving bowl. Any solids are discharged even further into a different port, allowing them to completely separate from any moisture or water leftover. The leftover liquid then gets transported out into its own compartment. 

Different types of centrifuges can also be used to produce varying results of sludge or cake thickness. Basket-, peeler-, and decanter-type centrifuges are all available depending on the needs of the dewatering project. 

The components of a centrifuge 

No matter the type, every dewatering centrifuge has a few common components. They include the following.

The centrifuge bowl. This is the vessel that holds sludge or slurry materials. It rotates at a high speed to separate the sludge from the water. The bowl is located in the round drum area of the machine. 

The auger. Also known as the conveyor or scroll, the auger is located inside the centrifuge bowl. It rotates at a different speed than the bowl in order to move the separated sludge and water to their separate ports.

The gear box. This is where the speed of the bowl and auger is controlled. The gear box includes a sun wheel shaft which helps determine the speed of rotation for both of these moving parts. Depending on the type of material being filtered, the gear box can help process the sludge at a slower pace to produce a more concentrated cake.

Top benefits of using a dewatering centrifuge 

Although removing sludge from water through filter, screw, or hand presses is an option, dewatering centrifuge methods are one of the most convenient. The centrifuge process also offers even more benefits when it comes to sludge dewatering.

Sludge dewatering centrifuge machinery is compact and leaves a much smaller footprint than other similar processes. It’s easy to set up and break down this type of machinery, no matter where the operation base is located. This, in turn, decreases production, labor, and material costs. 

Dewatering centrifuge also requires less operating power and intervention. Unlike some other dewatering methods, it does not require an additional filtration system, making it easy to use and repair. The shelf life of this machinery far outweighs its competitors – lasting nearly 50 years – instead of the 15 years of filter or screw dewatering presses.

Overall, the sludge dewatering centrifuge method is an efficient process that will save you time, money, and resources on your next project. Contact Diamond T Services for more information on the dewatering centrifuge method and sales and rentals.

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