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How does a sludge dewatering centrifuge work?

It’s extremely important for waste disposal to be treated, maintained, and processed correctly. One such process is through sludge dewatering centrifuge. Waterborne diseases, as well as waste control, are all maintained through this process. Without sludge dewatering centrifuge, local communities and environments will not remain ecologically safe.

Learn more about how sludge centrifuge works, the advantages of this waste disposal process, and how it is used for dewatering projects below. 

About sludge dewatering centrifuge

In the process of sludge centrifuge, wastewater liquid is transported into a cylindrical mechanism that rotates the liquid at a fast-paced rotation. During the rotation, the liquid then forms into a solid, called cake. Although there are different methods of centrifuge, the dewatering method produces a drier result since it removes more moisture during the process. This leaves more room in the storage tank during the waste disposal project, often saving on time and effort. 

Advantages of this type of centrifugation method 

Sludge dewatering centrifugation provides many on-the-job benefits. In fact, both transportation and disposal costs are greatly decreased when using this dewatering method. Sludge centrifuge equipment is easy to transport and convenient to park near the operation base. This, in turn, increases productivity and time spent on the project.

It’s also much easier to dispose of or recycle the resulting cake from the sludge centrifuge process. This refined waste substance can be transported to a nearby landfill, farm, or compost, foul or jetting systems, or recycled into the soil. Best of all, this type of dewatering method works on any type of sludge without a filtering medium. Other advantages of using a sludge dewatering centrifuge include:

  • Less dewatering processing time
  • Quick and easy set-up of dewatering commission
  • Significantly lowered operation, maintenance, transportation, and disposal costs
  • Easy removal or replacement of parts and machinery
  • Quick repair and maintenance of dewatering system
  • Provide stable operation with minimal operator observation
  • Team experiences less exposure to odors, aerosols, or pathogens
  • Larger capacity for waste management and versatile size options 

Using centrifuge for sludge dewatering projects

So, how do you know if sludge centrifuge is the right option for your dewatering project? A few items to consider are the size and density of the sludge particles, the viscosity of the materials, and how much centrifugal force will be needed to separate the moisture out of the sludge. Keep in mind that polymers can also be used during the process to aid in separation. All of this can be determined with a thorough analysis of the dewatering project, including the project objectives, budget, and options for disposal. 

With the help of Diamond T Services, you can decide whether sludge centrifuge is the right dewatering method for your project. We can help you determine the best treatability methods, as well as give on-site guidance for dewatering waste safely and efficiently. Our team provides the most advanced equipment and sludge dewatering safety methods to provide a quick and easy process every time. 

Contact us for more information on how we can help you with your dewatering project. 

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