
What Are Right of Way Services and Do I Need Them?

Right of Way ServicesConstruction projects often involve navigating complicated property ownership issues. You might find that your project requires the use of a portion of someone’s homestead or some other privately held space. Rather than alter your plans and risk delaying the project, find a company that can assist you with Right of Way services. Right of way negotiations are common when it comes to infrastructure needs such as utility work and transportation projects.

Right of Way Services Defined

When a landowner has property that can be used for commercial projects, right of way acquisition allows builders to use a portion of that land with permission from the landowner. In some cases, the landowner will give up the right to build certain structures or use the land in a way that might inhibit future construction. Of course, the landowner also benefits from this arrangement, as they’ll receive some form of monetary compensation when a deal is reached between all sides.
The right of way process involves multiple steps, including land inspection and appraisal. The land’s value is determined by comparing it to the value of similar properties. The landowner can then negotiate the details of the acquisition before an agreement is reached.
Once land is acquired, it’s likely that the area will still require prep work before actual construction begins. Diamond T can offer support when it comes to tasks such as:

  • Clearing obstructions
  • Mulching
  • Installing slit and safety fences
  • Installing gates
  • Providing straw wattles and bales
  • Providing site entrances
  • Stabilizing sloped areas
  • Handling materials

History Rights of Way
As far back as the early 1860s, rights of way have been used to allow for the expansion of railroads. The U.S. government granted a right of way so railroads could eventually sprawl across the continental, transporting goods and people. Without that grant, today’s lines of intercontinental transportation might look very different.
Nowadays, rights of way services can help move forward construction projects that involve tasks such as mining, drilling, redirecting water flow, or installing communication lines. If the path of your next project runs through private land, consult the experts at Diamond T services for more information on the possibility of land acquisition.

Other Services from Diamond T

Diamond T doesn’t limit its offerings to Right of Way Services. Our other services include:

  • Equipment Rental: We offer cost-effective equipment for use in your next large-scale project. The options range from gas turbines and light towers to excavators and pressure washers. We also have storage solutions like shale and cutting bins to help keep the construction site tidy and remove debris.
  • Access Matting: Eco-friendly access mats allow you to reach your job site no matter the season. The mats feature slip-resistance properties, and they’re durable enough to withstand heavy loads as well as the elements.
  • Environmental Solutions: Diamond T focuses on environmentally-friendly practices during construction projects. We offer locally sourced materials that can be recycled after use. Our spill containment solutions can also help prevent long-term damage to areas near the construction site.
