

How Do Decanter Centrifuges Improve Efficiency and Sustainability of Mining?

In the mining sector, reducing waste and recycling water is critical to decreasing costs and having a positive effect on the environment.

This is where a decanter centrifuge comes into play. Its continuous operation and extremely abrasive resistance deliver constant separation with little downtime and maintenance needs. 

​​​​​​​Decanter centrifuges are appropriate for mining tasks, from dewatering to exploration. They allow water recycling while permitting dry disposal of tailings solids. They provide substantial cost savings and are environmentally friendly.

Drilling Fluid Recovery Decreases Waste and Cost

With the minerals drilling industry thriving, the financial side of recycling drilling fluids and drilling is becoming more vital. Choosing the centrifuge within your solids control unit permits the recycling and recovery of drilling fluids, and therefore plays a crucial role in decreasing waste and costs.

An extremely effective water management and separation solution could aid you in cutting, recycling, and reusing waste in various new ways. A decanter centrifuge is a genius in the mining industry, especially for processing minerals and ore.

Ore processing is extremely crucial, mainly in the creation of non-precious and precious metals. This method utilizes decanters in different mining applications:

  • Silver and gold
  • Zinc and lead
  • Copper and nickel
  • Lanthanoids
  • Platinum

The basis of all mining processes is a decanter centrifuge, the best solution for processing ore and minerals, as well as possessing numerous applications.

Each process varies. Several distinct factors affect the processing of ore and minerals, having a major impact on success. At Diamond T Services, we support our customers throughout the process sequence. Our decanter centrifuges help retrieve precious raw materials while reducing waste and costs.

Decrease Costs and Water by Dewatering Tailings

In mining, tailings are the residues in the shape of sludges. They are formed during the processing of minerals and ores. The subsequent excess sludge or wastewater is somewhat polluted with chemicals. Tailings are a danger to the environment when stored in sludge ponds.

The process water bound by the tailings goes unused. With current dewatering solutions, mining residues can be handled cost-effectively and the process water that they hold can be recovered. This is an eco-friendly way of saving money and space.

The storage of dewatering tailings is replacing the storage of tailings in sludge ponds. Mining companies usually store the dewatered sludge on the ground. This fulfills statutory regulations in many countries.

It’s particularly advantageous in areas where earthquakes are prevalent if the process of dewatering tailings is done. This decreases space requirements and environmental threats. The cleaned process water can be recycled. There are considerable decreases in mine operation costs.

Cost-Effective Decanter Centrifuge Services and Machines

We are the leading provider of decanter centrifuge packages, providing top-quality equipment and exceptional services. Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help you on your job site.
