
Benefits of Proper Solids Control

Benefits of Proper Solids Control

Waste generation is the unavoidable result of every construction job. The issue isn’t in the fact that waste is produced. The issue lies in how it’s handled. The trenchless industry has been considerably tested when it comes to waste disposal during the drilling process.

The use of drilling fluid is a vital part of trenchless technology as it gives the required lubrication to install the pipe, working as a transporter for eradicating the drill cuttings from the borehole. Drilling waste must be managed, and waste management procedures and rules differ with each job. To reduce the costs related to mud disposal and quantity, recycling the drilling mud is the best option.

Various technologies like onsite disposal, bioremediation, thermal desorption, and solids control are now available for businesses to use for drilling waste management.

What is Solids Control?

Waste management uses solids control, a process that separates the solid particles from the drilling mud during the drilling process. To reduce the environmental effect of oil drilling, there is an increase in the significance of solids control. Eliminating solids from the drilling mud makes it more appropriate for recirculation into the system. Solids control machinery includes:

  • Mud tanks for combining and storing drilling mud
  • Mud cleaner
  • Shale shaker to eliminate large-sized solids
  • Desilter to eliminate small solids
  • Desander to eliminate medium-sized solids
  • Centrifugal pumps are used to produce the volume and pressure to operate the hydroclone
  • Dewatering system to eliminate fine solids
  • Vacuum degasser to eliminate air from the mud

Understanding the Significance of Solids Control

A solids control unit improves the usable life of the drilling fluid. Mud dumping and mud dilution have become objectionable because of environmental policies requiring strict guidelines for drilling waste disposal. To make drilling operations and used mud disposal cost-effective, solids control is the best option.

Decanter Centrifuges

Another vital part of effective solids control units is centrifuges. They’re beneficial in attaining very fine cut points. The spinning speed is converted into centrifugal force inside the rotating assembly to quicken particle settling. A centrifuge functions as a small settling pit that allows fast settling of solids under regulated conditions. To have effective solids control, the solid control system should be:

  • Hydraulically balanced
  • Possess the ability to make a fine cut and scalp cut
  • Possess sufficient drilling fluid mixing and re-circulating capacity

Other suggestions for effective solids controls include:

  • Use the smallest mesh screen possible on the shale shaker
  • Retain a sufficient inventory of suggested spare screens and parts
  • Certify and appoint rig workers to be accountable for equipment maintenance and operations
  • Ask for tool training and commissioning for your equipment
  • Consider written training programs that might be available from your original equipment manufacturer (OEM)

By following these suggestions, operators can decrease waste disposal costs.

Solid Controls Customized for Your Needs

Our solid control techniques will decrease the costs of your drilling program. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you.
